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Rediscover Life's Simple Pleasures
Rediscover Life's Simple Pleasures
Welcome to MindfulMornings! We hope you’re looking forward to the week ahead!
A quick question before we dive in: We're curious about our weekly tips. Are two tips too many? Would you prefer to focus on just one?
We're considering a slight change to our format:
Current format: 2 quotes, 2 tips, 1 question
Potential new format: 2 quotes, 1 tip, 1 question
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Here are 2 quotes, 2 tips, and 1 question to help you build healthy habits this week.
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"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are." - Marianne Williamson
2 Tips
1) Rediscover Joy: Add a Dash of Play to Your Day
Why: The Power of Playfulness
We often forget that play isn't just for children. In a world filled with to-do lists and deadlines, play can be a game-changer for adults too. Here's why play matters:
Boosts emotional well-being
Sparks creativity
Increases overall happiness
Stimulates the mind
Encourages problem-solving
Builds social connections
Adding playful moments to your day can provide much-needed mental and emotional relief.
How: Easy Ways to Play Every Day
Ready to bring more play into your life? Here are some simple steps to get started:
Find Your Fun: What makes you smile? Write down a list of what you enjoy. Here are some ideas to get the juices flowing:
Paint or draw
Go for a bike ride
Explore nature
Cook a new recipe
Host a games night
Watch the clouds
Play tag with grandkids or children
Tend to the garden
Book a show (stand-up comedy, local theater)
Get involved in outdoor sports (petanque, croquet etc)
Learn a new skill or hobby
Schedule Play: Pencil in playtime like any other important appointment. Often play involves other people, so planning ahead and getting play on the calendar is important.
Be Present: When it's playtime, dive in fully, and really commit. Let go of your to-do list and immerse yourself in the joy of the moment.
2) Create Your Own Happiness Jar
Why: A Daily Dose of Positivity
The ‘Happiness Jar’ is a simple, yet powerful tool to help you focus on life's bright spots. By jotting down happy moments, you're shifting your focus to those thoughts and away from negative thinking.
Making this a daily ritual sets you up for a more mindful, joyful day. It's training your mind to spot silver linings!
Ready to start your own Happiness Jar? Here's how:
Gather your tools:
Any container will do – a mason jar, cookie jar, or even a cute box. Pick something that makes you smile!
Cut up small slips of paper or grab some colorful sticky notes.
Keep a pen next to your jar for easy access.
Daily joy check-in:
Each morning or evening, take a moment to reflect. What made you grin today? Was it a perfect cup of coffee, a friend's text, or maybe just a moment of peace?
Scribble it down on your paper. No need for essays – just a quick note will do!
Fill 'er up:
Fold your joy note and pop it in the jar. Watch it fill up with happy thoughts and experiences day by day.
Joy rewind:
Set a date with yourself - weekly or monthly - to read through your notes and reflect on the joyful moments.
1 Question
When was the last time you experienced a genuine, heartfelt laugh? What were you doing and who were you with? Is there anything you can do this week to recreate this experience?
Thanks for reading! We hope you enjoy your week.
With gratitude,
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