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Boost Your Well-being by Capturing Happy Moments and Spreading Kind Words

Boost Your Well-being by Capturing Happy Moments and Spreading Kind Words

Welcome to MindfulMornings! In today’s email, you’ll learn about:

  • Creating Your Personal "Joy" Library

  • Adopting a "Compliment Spotter" Mindset

Here are 2 quotes, 2 tips, and 1 question to help you build healthy habits this week…

Instead of featuring a sponsor, today we’re using the space to recommend one of our favorite books, currently on sale: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy*.

This heartwarming book is perfect for keeping on your coffee table and savoring a few pages each morning or evening. It’s a gentle reminder of what truly matters in life. We recommend getting the hard copy to appreciate the illustrations; it’s a truly beautiful book.

We occasionally include quotes from this book in our newsletter as its wisdom is so relevant to living a healthier, happier life. We’ve included another one today. We hope you enjoy it!


  1. "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day." - Henri J.M. Nouwen

  2. “What do you want to be when you grow up?"


    "Kind," said the boy.” - Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse*

2 Tips

1) Create Your Personal "Joy" Library

Here’s why:

If bringing more joy into your life isn’t one of your goals for 2025, we invite you to pause and reconsider - it’s going to be one of our top priorities! Joy doesn't have to be something we occasionally experience; it can be cultivated. One way to cultivate joy is by creating a "Joy" Library.

A Joy Library is a way to intentionally capture those snippets of time when we feel truly alive, connected, and content so we can create more of them in the future. It also helps us focus on these positive experiences, fostering a mindset that boosts mental health and overall happiness.

Here's how to start:

  1. Notice the Good Stuff

    • Keep a notes app or small notebook handy. We use Todoist as our note-taking app

    • Write down moments that make you smile or feel warm inside as you go about your day

    • Briefly note what happened, who was there, and how you felt

    • Start with just one moment each day


  2. Look Back and Learn

    • Take 5 minutes each evening to read through your notes

    • Ask yourself: "What made this moment special?"

    • Think about how you might create more moments like these

    • To reflect on our day we’ve recently been using the 5-minute journal app. You can also get a hard copy of the 5-minute journal* on Amazon*


  3. Spot the Patterns

    • After a few weeks, you may start to notice similar activities or people who bring you the most joy and which activities drain your energy

    • Is it time in nature? Cooking? Reading? Being with a specific friend?

    • Use these patterns to plan more joy-filled activities

    • Remove or reduce things that consistently bring you down

Joy doesn't just happen - we can actively cultivate it. Your joy library is a powerful tool for creating a happier, more mindful life.

2) Adopt a "Compliment Spotter" Mindset


Looking for opportunities to compliment others is a simple but powerful way to spread joy and build stronger connections. When we actively notice the good in people, we create positive ripples that touch both their lives and ours. It's like turning on a light in a room - suddenly, everything brightens.
Here are 5 simple ways to develop your compliment-spotting skills:

  1. Start Each Day with Intent

    • Consciously set the intention to give at least one genuine compliment today

    • Notice the small things – someone's warm smile, a helpful gesture, or a creative solution

    • Keep it simple and specific


  2. Practice with Your Inner Circle

    • Begin with family and close friends where you feel most comfortable

    • Notice something that makes each person special

    • Share what you appreciate about them – enjoy catching them off guard with a compliment and seeing how they react


  3. Expand Your Impact

    • Take your practice beyond your comfort zone

    • Tell your coworker how much you value their work

    • Compliment a stranger on their dress

Remember: The best compliments are honest, specific, and come from the heart. By looking for the good in others, we often discover more joy in our own lives.

To get your ideas flowing here are some ways you can compliment others:

  • Listening skills: "You’re such a great listener. It’s easy to talk to you because you really pay attention."

  • Inclusiveness: "You have a way of making everyone around you feel welcome and included. It’s such a wonderful quality."

  • Enthusiasm: "It’s so inspiring to see how excited you get about [specific passion]. It reminds me to pursue the things I care about too."

  • Thoughtfulness: "You have such a kind heart. The little things you do for others never go unnoticed."

  • Humor: "You have such a great sense of humor. You always manage to make me laugh."

  • Dedication: "I could tell how much effort you put into [specific task]. It really shows.”

1 Question

If you could gift a moment of joy to someone who needs it right now, what kind of experience would you create for them?

Thanks for reading! We hope you have a joyful week.

With gratitude,


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Through a variety of simple yet powerful practices, our 28-Day Mindfulness Roadmap guides you step-by-step toward greater peace, clarity, and well-being. From meditation and breathwork to mindful eating and walking meditation, you’ll discover practical ways to bring mindfulness into every aspect of your daily life – whether you’re new to these practices or looking to deepen your journey.



*This newsletter may contain affiliate links for products we are comfortable recommending. When you purchase through these links, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting MindfulMornings!